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The Mission

It is our mission to fulfill the Great Commission by reaching the unchurched and unreached, and by empowering leaders in relevant evangelism and discipleship that transforms lives and communities one person and one family at a time.

Five Divisions of UHM


Harvest Center

Sharing Christ in the South Bronx since 1994, this ministry is a force of spiritual transformation in the Fort Apache community.

Hope for the City

Hope for the City

Since 2005, Hope for the City has been leading in strategic outreach and equipping leaders to bring the hope of the Gospel to Detroit.

Ignite Ministry Logo


Empowering Young Adults: Ignite is challenging young adults to know the Word of God, to live uncompromised, and to reach the lost and hurting in this world.


The Bridge

School of Mission: The Bridge is the training ministry of UHM, empowering and equipping servant leaders and pioneer ministers to transform their world.



The mission is to empower the poor around the world with solutions that bring hope and long-term change.


08a Spike, Craze & Pastor Tom

Our first mission field: The Harvest Center in the South Bronx


rBringing hope to the streets of Detroit with the Hope for the City movement


IGNITE: Empowering young adults to know, live, and share their faith in Jesus Christ.

More pictures coming soon!